If you are a brand new subscriber to the Train With Cliff Audio Journal, you’ll notice that you now have access to hundreds of podcast episodes from the archive. If access to this much archived content feels overwhelming, my recommendation is that you immediately archive/delete all prior episodes (they will still be available in your podcast feed).
Most people will find it most beneficial to simply start listening to the most recent podcast episode and begin listening to new episodes as they are released. At any time, you may browse through the archives as frequent as you like.
I created this resource to highlight content from the archives that I think would make for a powerful introduction to the value that the archived episodes have to offer.
In this section, I feature episodes from the archives where I share deep insights from the books, documentaries, courses, conferences and coaching programs that I invest in.
Before you begin to dive into the archives of this podcast, I want to offer you a glimpse into a few insights in how I approach note taking so that I absorb and assimilate insights that a majority of people miss when they ready a book, go through a course, watch a documentary, go to a conference, etc. I’d also like to share with you how it is that I have nearly instant recall to all those insights that I have learned. If this sounds interesting to you, check out the link below:
My Commentary Series on Think & Grow Rich
My Commentary Series on The Secrets Trilogy by Russel Brunson
My Commentary Series on Man’s Search for Meaning by Viktor E. Frankle
018 - Book Review: The Power of Your Subconscious Mind
153 - How To Improve Your Memory
160 - Secrets of The Millionaire Mind
197 - Why I Have Invested $11,000 In #TonyRobbinsUPW
231 - Hypnotism / Hypnotherapy : The Power of Suggestion
Think And Grow Rich is one of the first “personal development” books that began to transform the way that I saw and experienced the world we live in. Nearly ever successful entrepreneur I’ve ever met has stated is a “must read.” I now add myself to the list of those who say so.
In June of 2020, I decided to do a re-read of this classic book with a timeless message. I recorded episode 168 of the Train With Cliff Audio Journal explaining why I had decided to pick this book back up and to share my thoughts on the opening of the book. It then occurred to me that it would be immensely valuable content if I were to do a full commentary on Think And Grow Rich.
In this section, you will find direct links to each of the episodes that relate to my commentary on Think & Grow Rich.
168 - TAGR 01 - Think And Grow Rich
169 - TAGR 02 - Ready To Receive It?
170 - TAGR 03 - Three Feet From The Gold
171 - TAGR 04 - Knowing What You Want
172 - TAGR 05 - The Carnegie Secret
173 - TAGR 06 - Was Napoleon Hill A Scam Artist And A Fraud?
174 - TAGR 07 - No MORE Effort Is Required
175 - TAGR 08 - Dominating Thoughts & Vibrations
176 - TAGR 09 - Burning Desire And Obsession
178 - TAGR 10 - Burning Desire Mixed With Faith
179 - TAGR 11 - Infinite Intelligence And God
180 - TAGR 12 - Start With Your Outcome First
181 - TAGR 13 - Is Your Desire A RAGING FIRE?
182 - TAGR 14 - Faith, Love & Sex As Emotions?
183 - TAGR 15 - Faith, God, Expectancy & Dominating Thoughts
184 - TAGR 16 - Autosuggestion And Self Confidence
185 - TAGR 17 - The Train Station of Your Mind
186 - TAGR 18 - Your Truck Is On Its Way
192 - TAGR 19 - Chap 5 - Specialized Knowledge
196 - TAGR 20 - Chap 6 - Imagination
204 - TAGR 21 - Mastermind Groups For Business
211 - TAGR 24 - How To Get A Job
226 - TAGR 25 - 30 Causes of Failure
242 - TAGR 26 - Year End Analysis
269 - TAGR 27 - Unlimited Opportunities
288 - TAGR 28 - Chapter 8 Decision
328 - TAGR 29 - Chapter 9 Persistence
417 - TAGR 30 - Chapter 10 - The Power of The Mastermind